

Equipment Photo



動物用氣體麻醉機 Animal inhalant anesthetic machine

數位化X光攝影系統 Digital radiography system

眼科用手術顯微鏡 Ophthalmic surgery microscope
全功能小動物血液檢驗儀器 Idexx catalyst / Procyte / Snapshot DX
動物專用高頻電波刀 Animal electrodeiccation machine
多用途小動物專用內窺鏡 Multifunction small animal endoscope
高速骨科鑽頭及電鋸 Orthopedic drill and saw
犬貓專用超音波及心電圖機 Small animal ultrasound and ECG machine
犬貓獨立一般病房/隔離加護病房 Independent ward/ICU
噴霧治療 Ultrasonic nebulization therapy
小動物專用眼壓計 Ocular tonometer

犬貓專用血壓計 Doppler blood pressure meter